Dental braces straighten your teeth and correct a wide range of orthodontic issues, such as:
There are several different types of braces. The type that’s best for you depends on a few factors, including the kind of issue you have, the severity of your condition and your personal preferences.
You’re never too old for orthodontics. That said, the best time for braces is generally between the ages of 9 and 14. At this point, your jaws and facial bones are more malleable (flexible) because they’re still developing. Adult braces are just as effective, but it might take a little longer to achieve the desired results.
The answer to this question is different for everyone. On average, braces treatment takes about two years to complete. But it depends on the severity of misalignment. Some people finish treatment in under 12 months. Others may need as long as three years.
The most obvious advantage of braces is a straighter, more beautiful smile. But braces can also:
In short, braces can improve the health, function and appearance of your smile.
There are some mild, expected side effects of braces, including:
You can manage most of these side effects with over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers. You can also purchase dental wax for braces at your local pharmacy to help with irritation inside your mouth. Simply place some wax over any rough-feeling brackets or wire.
You’ll likely have discomfort for a few days after you get your braces. Some people experience tenderness after routine tightening, too. But generally, your braces shouldn’t hurt.
To ease discomfort after your orthodontic appointments, you can take acetaminophen(Tylenol®). It’s best to avoid ibuprofen (Advil®) and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Research shows that NSAIDs block prostaglandins — hormone-like substances that help with healing. As a result, NSAIDs can actually interrupt the tooth movement process.
Proper oral hygiene is even more important when you wear braces. Plaque and tartar can build up around your brackets and wires, leading to cavities and gingivitis.
Your dentist or orthodontist will give you a detailed list of instructions for taking care of your braces. But here are a few general guidelines:
This is something only your dentist or orthodontist can tell you. But generally, Invisalign can correct most mild to moderate orthodontic issues. If your case is severe, traditional braces might be more suitable.
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